Alicia wants to make a special chow for the panganogs that live at the Animal Rehabilitation Center. What sorts of ingredients should the chow have, and why do we need to eat food, anyway?
MS-LS1-7. Develop a model to describe how food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism.
designing a balanced meal; digestion, proteins, fats, carbs, molecules, cellular respiration, matter conservation
The storyline will better help students understand how they really are "what they eat" and the value of various types of molecules you can eat in food. Impacts for understanding how to create a balanced, healthy diet.
Alicia wants to create a healthy chow specially formulated to promote panganog health. But first, she must learn how the body processes food, and what it uses the food for.
By observing three panganogs during a fitness test, players learn how different nutrients affect the body.
Designing a new chow from the ground up will take time, and there will be some missteps! Help Alicia figure out how to improve the chow when initial tests show less-than-stellar results.