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Take a peek at what the game looks like for students, using our "zombie ant" storyline as an example.
Tyto Online Screenshot: the player controls a robot ant.Tyto Online Screenshot: the player follows an ant up a leaf high above the ground.

Observe Phenomena

Follow a cordyceps-infected ant (by remote-controlling a robot ant) to observe its odd behavior and what happens after it dies.


Phenomena are chosen for interest and real-world applications, designed for students to find not only engaging, but also empowering as they see the power of STEM.

An ant with a cordycep growing out of its head.
Tyto Online Screenshot: the player examines a sample taken from the dead ant.Tyto Online Screenshot: the player analyzes a line chart showing the relationship between the leaf hight and spore travel distance.

Collect & Analyze Data

Look into what stems out of the dead ant and realize it's a fruiting fungus. Collect data to see the correlation between the height of the the leaf the infected ant dies on, and how far the spores of the cordyceps travel.


what students do within the game uses scientific skills and cross-cutting concepts, so they are mastering them as they play.

Read more about how we build SEP for students.

Tyto Online Screenshot: player makes an argument of why the ants walk onto the tall leaves to die, by connecting different pieces of evidence,

Make a Claim with Evidence

Explain why an infected ant would go up a leaf before it dies from the cordyceps.


Our quests include scaffolds like a "puzzle piece" style argument builder with help if students need it.

What Teachers Experience

Easy to Get Started

Starting is a snap with Tyto Online's embedded checklists and tutorials or personalized support.


Easy Import from Google Classroom - Accounts are automatically created for students when you import your class from Google Classroom. Or you could have your students sign up with a class code.


SSO integration - If the students signed up with their usual school email, or if they were imported from Google Classroom, they can use Single-Sign-On of Google or Microsoft to sign into their Tyto account.


Play right in the browser - No installation required. Tyto Online currently supports Chrome or Chrome-based browsers on non-mobile devices.

Assign content from our ready-to-go library

From your Teacher Dashboard, explore our content and assign it to your students for in-game completion.


Standards Included - See the three-dimensional standards each activity covers. Yes, that means SEPs and CCCs, not just the DCIs!


Schedule Activities - You can plan ahead and assign activities to become available on certain dates to align with curriculum.

Use our supplemental activities as you go

Our supplemental activities are designed to promote dialogue and help students solidify learning.


Routines - Use our routines so that you can do the same practices and activities for every storyline, no matter the content.


Printable or Digital - Provided activities can be done in paper alongside the game, or digitally, based on your needs!

"I plugged in the dates and downloaded the worksheets the students would use for recordkeeping and called it a day. Spent way more time planning out lessons that came from the textbook.”
-Andrea, Teacher in Maryland

Track progress with assessment data

As your students wrap up, check progress and also the specific arguments or other work they created.


Standards Included - See students' mastery of standards based on three-dimensional performance, and how much time we've had them spend across various practices and concepts.


Highlights Struggling Students - We make it easy to see where students need help, to provide small group or whole-class support.

Explore our interactive demo.

Takes ~15m to see what the student experience is like without needing to make an account and get into the game.

Ready to get started?

30-day free trial with unlimited students and access to game and tools.

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educators like you

Tyto is NOT Gamified Learning

Gamification: adding game elements on traditional non-game contexts, while the game part does not contribute to learning objectives
Tyto is NOT pop-up multiple choice questions over unrelated gameplay.
Tyto is NOT watching videos and answering questions overlayed on a game.
Tyto is NOT e-learning activities through a portal that is inside of a game.

Tyto is Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning: utilizing gaming to meet learning objectives, while playing the game itself is the learning process
Tyto Online Screenshot: the player follows an ant up a leaf high above the ground.
Observe phenomena and collect the data in the game world from the first-person perspective, instead of watching a video.
Tyto Online Screenshot: the player analyzes a line chart showing the relationship between the leaf hight and spore travel distance.
Analyze the data you collected and draw conclusions, instead of being handed data.
Tyto Online Screenshot: player makes an argument of why the ants walk onto the tall leaves to die, by connecting different pieces of evidence,
Make a claim by reasoning with the evidences you collected, instead of memorizing conclusions and not understanding why.

See how we make it happen with these examples:



Amazon Biodome Food Web 2

See Overview


H.E.L.O. (Holographic Environmental Life Observatory)

See Overview


Amazon Biodome Food Web 1

See Overview

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