Our Approach
Tyto Online was built with actions that are directly linked to the eight Science & Engineering Practices (SEPs) of the Next Generation Science Standards. In other words, the gameplay itself is actually these practices! It's one of the things that is most unique about us: we don't just layer multiple choice questions on a game, but deeply engage students in science.
Asking Questions
& Defining Problems
Developing & Using Models
Planning & Carrying Out Investigations
Analyzing & Interpreting Data
Using Mathematics & Computational Thinking
Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information
All of Tyto Online's content is framed around questions, whether the big driving question for a storyline, or questions asked throughout as students clarifying their thinking about an explanation.
Students develop strong modeling skills throughout using Tyto Online, both from using and creating them to explain phenomenon, and using complex simulation systems.
Students are able to carry out investigations (collecting data and drawing conclusions) that we set up within storylines, and in Sandboxes can even design their own to answer questions.
A variety of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is used as part of answering questions within Tyto Online, from provided data visualizations to opportunities to create their own.
Students use mathematical and computational thinking as they investigate phenomena within Tyto Online: using the digital tool to analyze, represent, and apply mathematical concepts.
Storylines in Tyto Online are framed around investigating a phenomenon or problem, with many ways to collect and analyze evidence, and then generating an explanation or solution.
Students regularly engage in argument from evidence within Tyto Online, convincing game characters about explanations or solutions for a problem they've working to solve.
Experiences in Tyto Online also allow students to critically read texts and gather information to determine what is relevant and useful for answering questions or creating explanations.
Takes ~15m to see what the student experience is like without needing to make an account and get into the game.
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